
Uninstallation on Windows OS

In order to remove the Raise Data Recovery software from Windows, you can use the "Uninstall" feature of the operating system.

For this, first, open the Control Panel. You can do it using the taskbar search.

control panel opened in windows operating system

Later find "Programs" and click on "Uninstall a program".

uninstall program function in windows control panel

Alternatively, you can enter the path "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features" in the Windows File Explorer address bar.

inserting path to programs and features in address bar of windows file explorer

Then select Raise Data Recovery in the list and click on the "Uninstall" option at the top. After that, just follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation.

One more uninstallation method is to use the Software Packages management utility installed by default together with Raise Data Recovery.

To run it, open the "Start" menu, go to the "All programs" section, find and click on the name of the software group (the default one is "SysDev Laboratories") and launch the Software Packages management utility by hitting its shortcut.

software packages management utility shortcut in windows start menu

Select Raise Data Recovery and press the "Uninstall" button.

uninstall button in sysdev laboratories software manager utility window

Uninstallation on macOS

On macOS, you can uninstall the program using SDL Software Manager, the utility that is installed automatically together with Raise Data Recovery. To run it, open Finder, navigate to the "Applications" folder (use the "⇧Shift + ⌘ Cmd + A" hotkeys), find the icon of the utility and click it.

sdl software manager shortcut in applications window of macos

Launch SDL Software Manager, find Raise Data Recovery among the installed packages, select it and then click "Uninstall".

Or you may remove the software via Finder. Find Raise Data Recovery in the "Applications" folder and delete it by dragging it to the Trash or hitting the "Move to Bin" option.

Uninstallation on Linux OS

If your operating system is Linux, please use the SDL Software Manager that is installed automatically together with Raise Data Recovery to delete the software. For this, you need to run the utility as an administrator. So, open the Terminal and enter the "sudo /usr/bin/sdlsoftmgr" or "su root -c /usr/bin/sdlsoftmgr" command.

command to open sdl software manager in linux terminal

After that, select the Raise Data Recovery application in the list and uninstall it by hitting the appropriate button below.