User manual for Raise Data Recovery


This user manual will make you familiar with Raise Data Recovery and assist you in operating the software. Please read it carefully so that to exploit the program properly and achieve your data recovery goals with minimum effort. You may also turn to it whenever faced with difficulty in completing the required task. Additional materials available in the Knowledge Base and FAQ sections are also at your disposal.

The software comes with a friendly interface and is designed in a manner that you can start using it immediately, without any specialized background. Yet, the understanding of general data recovery principles will be beneficial and allows obtaining optimal results. Though we have tried to make this manual as informative as possible, it doesn’t cover explanation of the basics. You may need to use supplementary resources in order to get acquainted with the fundamentals. As an alternative, you may always follow the on-screen prompts and go ahead with the default settings.

Please mind that the contents of this manual may undergo changes anytime and without prior announcement. Furthermore, the program’s functionality is being constantly improved. Thus, the visual information (screenshots, images, etc.) provided here may differ from the actual examples you will find on your screen. It is advisable that you run the application concurrently with reading the manual.

How to navigate the manual

This manual has a section-by-section structure. The heading of the section specifies the topic addressed in it, for example:


The sections are grouped into parts, and these parts are identified by the headings of the upper level:



  • Introduction – goes over the program’s features, its system requirements and licensing peculiarities;

  • Getting started – explains how to put the software into use, including its installation, license order and activation, adjustment of its settings, and presents the elements of its interface;

  • Use of the software interface and tools – introduces different components that make up the software and guides through their usage;

Recovery process – offers step-by-step instructions on how to complete the data recovery procedure, from selecting the affected storage to copying the restored files.

Most sections of the manual are composed of several chapters. Chapters make it easier to orient in the content of a section and are indicated by the headings of the lowest level, for example:


In order to go to the required section, first off, find the part of the manual it relates to in the navigation pane on the left side. After that, move to the relevant section by clicking on it in the list, or choose a specific chapter right away if you are interested in particular content.

The Table of contents presented below can be utilized for the same purpose as the left-side navigation pane.

Each section can be navigated using its own content table available at the page start, or simply by scrolling it down. Some sections may also include internal links or links to other sections intended for quick navigation.

Table of contents

Getting started
Use of the software interface and tools
Recovery process